How to Get Sharpie Out of Clothes: Easy and Effective Ways!

By MyLifeTipsHub get sharpie out of clothes

Sharpie stains on your clothes can be a nightmare, especially if you’re in a hurry. Whether you accidentally left the marks or your art project went wrong, you don’t have to panic. There are some simple ways to easily remove Sharpie stains from your clothes. With a few tried-and-true tips, you can easily erase permanent marker stains. Here’s how to remove Sharpie pen stains from clothes.

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Why Sharpie stains are hard to remove

Sharpie stains are stubborn because they are made with permanent ink that is designed to stay put. This ink is oily and pigmented, so it can seep into the fibers of your clothing. The longer it sits, the harder it is to remove. That’s why acting quickly is key – the sooner you treat the stain, the more likely you are to remove it completely.

Tips for quickly removing new Sharpie stains
1. alcohol wipe – Alcohol wipes are your best friend when dealing with new Sharpie stains. Simply pour a small amount of alcohol onto a cotton ball or clean cloth and gently rub the stain. The ink will begin to come off, making it easier to wash out.
2. Hairspray – Hairspray is another amazing way to remove Sharpie marks. Spray a liberal amount of hairspray on the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and then blot with a clean cloth. This will break down the ink and make it easier to wash out.
3. detergent and baking soda – For a more natural solution, mix detergent and baking soda into a paste and apply to the stain. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes, then gently blot and rinse with cold water.

How to treat dried Sharpie stains
1. Use more rubbing alcohol – If the stain is already dry, rubbing alcohol still helps. Soak a cotton ball in alcohol and press it against the stain for a few minutes. The alcohol will loosen the ink so you can wash it out.
2. nail polish remover – Nail polish remover with acetone works well on dried Sharpie stains. Apply it carefully to the stain and wipe it with a clean cloth. Afterward, wash the garment as usual to remove the residue.
3. Laundry Detergent – If a stain has already formed, applying laundry detergent directly to the stain can help break it down. Leave for 10 minutes before washing the garment in cold water.

Things to avoid when removing Sharpie marks
– Avoid rubbing hard – rubbing the stain hard may spread it and make it worse. Always rub gently to remove the ink without damaging the fabric.
– Do not use hot water – Hot water can cause the stain to become further embedded in the fabric. Always rinse with cold or lukewarm water after applying the treatment.
– Don’t skip the test – always test the cleaning solution on a small, hidden area of the fabric to make sure it won’t cause damage or fade the color.

Prevent Sharpie stains from staining clothing
– Be careful when using a marker – keep the marker away from clothing, especially if you are using the marker in an area where accidents can happen.
– Treat stains quickly – The faster you act, the easier it will be to remove the stain completely.
– Wash clothing immediately – Wash clothing immediately after treating the stain to ensure that the Sharpie does not leave a permanent mark.

Sharpie stains may seem like a disaster, but with the right techniques, you can save your clothing with little effort. Just remember to act fast and use these simple tips to remove stubborn stains.

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