How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes: Quick Fixes You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

By MyLifeTipsHub get lipstick out of clothes

Lipstick prints on clothes can be very frustrating, especially when they happen on your favorite outfit. Don’t worry though, it’s not the end of the world. With just a few household items and the right tips, you can make these stains disappear in no time. Here’s how to save your clothes and make them look spotless.

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Blot, Don’t Rub: The First Rule for Lipstick Stains
When you find a lipstick stain, don’t panic. Grab a Kleenex or paper towel and gently blot the stain to absorb the excess without letting the stain spread. Rubbing will push the stain deeper into the fabric, making it harder to remove.

Dishwashing soap and hairspray: your secret weapon
Dishwashing soap effectively breaks down the oils in lipstick. Apply an appropriate amount to the stain, massage gently, and rinse off with cold water. For more stubborn stains, hairspray is also helpful. Spray it on the stain, wait for a minute, and then blot with a clean cloth.

Remove lipstick stains from delicate fabrics
Silk and other delicate fabrics require extra care. Use a small amount of baby shampoo or mild detergent in water. Gently rub the stain with a soft cloth, avoiding scrubbing. Rinse carefully and let the garment air dry.

How to deal with oily and matte lipsticks
Oily and matte lipsticks can be tricky, but not impossible. Start by dipping a cotton ball in alcohol or micellar water and gently rubbing the stain away. Then use detergent to break down any remaining oils. Rinse thoroughly and repeat the steps if necessary.

Tips to prevent lipstick from staining your clothes
Prevention is key. Put on your clothes before applying lipstick, or use a tissue paper to create a barrier between your lips and your clothes as you pull them over your head. If you’re wearing a large area of lipstick, keep a small smudge remover pen handy just in case.

With these simple tips, lipstick stains are not a big problem. With a little patience and the right approach, you can save your outfit every time.

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