If you’ve added too much salt to a dish, don’t worry – there are ways to fix it! Here’s how you can neutralize the saltiness and balance the flavors:

3 Tips to Prevent Oversalted Food
1. Follow Recipe Instructions
Use low-sodium ingredients (like unsalted broth or low-sodium soy sauce) if the recipe calls for them.
2. Measure Salt Carefully
Avoid guessing. Use a proper measurement instead of shaking salt into a dish.
3. Use the Right Salt
Different salts have different salinity levels. Stick to the type the recipe calls for, or adjust accordingly.
How to Fix Oversalted Food
1. Add Acid
Lemon juice, lime juice, apple cider vinegar, or tomatoes can cut through the saltiness.
2. Add Condiments
Ingredients like sour cream, ricotta, or avocado help balance the flavor, especially in stews or casseroles.
3. Add Dairy
If it suits the recipe, add more cream or milk. Dairy can mellow the salty flavor and balance the dish.
4. Add Raw Potatoes
Dice a raw potato and cook it in your dish. The potato absorbs excess salt.
5. Add Sugar
A pinch of sugar or sweetener like maple syrup can offset the saltiness.